- DisabilityInfo.org – Information for people with disabilities in Massachusetts
- MassOptions – A free resource online or phone resource that links seniors, people with disabilities, or caregivers to services that can help support independence. MassOptions specialists are available 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm, by calling toll-free at 1-844-422-6277, or through the website, using the online chat feature.
- Mass. Rehabilitation Commission – MRC is responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Community Services, and eligibility determination for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) federal benefits programs.
- Assistive Technology / Massachusetts Equipment Distribution Program(MassEDP) – Promotes easy access to innovative, well-designed telephones and accessories that accommodate one’s lifestyle or unique requirements
- Assistive Technology / MassMatch – MassMATCH is the Commonwealth’s initiative to Maximize Assistive Technology (AT) in Consumer’s Hands. Through partnerships with community-based organizations, MassMATCH is currently creating new AT programs and working to coordinate AT services throughout the Commonwealth. MassMATCH is one of 56 state-level AT initiatives in the United States
- Developmental Disabilities / ARC – Contains informational materials on mental retardation, aging issues, family supports. Links to local ARC chapters which have information on independent living skills training, job search, health care and supports for family members.
- Disabilities, General / Independent Living Centers by State
- Disabilities, General / Boston Center for Independent Living – provides services to individuals with disabilities
- Disabilities, General / MetroWest Center for Independent Living – provides services to individuals with disabilities
- Disabilities, General / New England Index of Disabilities – Free, disability-specific information for people with disabilities residing in Massachusetts.
- Disabilities, General / Easter Seals – Provides services to children and adults living with autism and other disabilities or special needs and their families.
- Hearing Impaired / MassRelay Service – MassRelay makes telephone conversations possible for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking on the phone.
- Hearing Impaired / Mass Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing– Serves as the principal agency representing the Commonwealth’s 560,000 Deaf, late deafened, and hard of hearing people within state government.
- Home Modifications / Mass Rehabilitation Commission’s Program – A state-funded loan program that provides loans to elders and individuals with disabilities in order to make access and safety modifications to their residences in order for them to remain in their homes and live more independently in their communities.
- Veterans / Paralyzed Veterans of America – Devoted to illnesses which leave people wheelchair bound, particularly spinal chord injuries and M.S. Menus for disability rights, health care, sports and recreation, publications and architecture are included. Assistance with the processing of VA claims.
- Visually Impaired / Carroll Center for the Blind – A nonprofit whose mission is to empower those who are blind or visually impaired to achieve independence and to lead a fulfilling life
- Visually Impaired / MAB Community Services – Formerly the Massachusetts Association for the Blind, MAB provides services to individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
- Visually Impaired / National Federation of the Blind