Advocacy Links & Resources

  • AARP – Contains information about caregiving, Alzheimer’s Disease, Medicare, and Nursing Homes. Provides the consumer with information about different aging benefits, aging services, and options for care.
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Legislative Directory – Offer a fast and easy way for Massachusetts residents to identify their elected officials.
  • LGBTQIA+ Aging Project – Advocates for changes in laws and policieson behalf of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered seniors. Provides training and assistance to service providers throughout the state. Offers a framework for seniors, their friends and family who want to speak out for themselves.
  • Mass Home Care – A network of 30 non-profit Age Info Centers which cover every city and town in Massachusetts. Mass Home Care advocates for community care.
  • Massachusetts Senior Action Council (MSAC) – MSAC is a statewide, democratically-run membership organization open to people of all ages. It promotes the rights, well being, and dignity of all people, particularly vulnerable senior citizens.
  • National Association of Area Agencies on Aging – Offer updated information on national legislation impacting Older Americans.
  • National Association for Home Care & Hospice – National trade association representing home care agencies, hospices and home care aide organizations.