Springwell acts as a single point of access for a number of state and federal government programs that can subsidize in-home care for seniors. The programs, and their basic eligibility criteria are listed here for your information. A Springwell Care Manager can help you sort through the details, eligibility requirements, and enrollment.
A senior can receive services that on average cost $260 per month through the standard Home Care Program. (Note: This is the average cost. Any individual senior’s cost could be higher or lower.) Seniors can choose to hire their own worker or they can receive services from a worker from a vendor agency that Springwell subcontracts with. A Springwell Care Manager has regular contact with the senior to ensure services meet needs and visits the elder a minimum of every 6 months.
ECOP provides a higher level of service to seniors who are ineligible for MassHealth Standard, but meet the requirements of nursing facility services (as determined by a nursing assessment, provided by Springwell). As of November 2018, the services the senior required, as determined by the social worker, would have to cost a minimum of 1.75 times the amount of standard Home Care services. Seniors can choose to hire their own worker or they can receive services from a worker from a vendor agency that Springwell subcontracts with. Seniors receiving services through ECOP are visited by their Care Manager a minimum of every three months.
The Community Choices Program, offers the frailest seniors additional support. This program is designed to provide intensive services to seniors who are at imminent risk of nursing facility placement. To be eligible for the Community Choices Program a person must meet all of the following criteria:
- Mass Health Member, age 60 or older
- Enrolled in The Home and Community Based Waiver Program (also referred to as 1915 (c)). To be enrolled in the Waiver Program, a person must be in need of a Waiver service as determined by Springwell. Continued eligibility is dependent upon ongoing receipt of a Waiver service.
- Be clinically eligible for nursing facility services (130CMR 456.409)
- Require, as determined by Springwell, services at a projected cost of at least two times the monthly MA Home Care program level.
Seniors whose income is too high for the MA Home Care Program may be eligible for the Percent Based option within the Home Care Program. The cost of service is determined on a sliding fee schedule; people pay a certain percentage for their services determined by their monthly income. People of any income can be served. Individuals can choose to hire their own worker or they can receive services from a worker from a vendor agency that Springwell subcontracts with. Seniors receiving services through the Over-Income Program are visited by their Care Advisor a minimum of every six months.
Springwell provides clinical determinations for the Frail Elder Waiver. Individuals who qualify for the Frail Elder Waiver are eligible to receive services under either the Standard Home Care or Community Choices Program.