Feb 16

Housing with Supportive Services

Two Springwell consumers sitting close together and smiling at each other

Jim and Annie are enjoying their retirement years living together in congregate housing. This housing design provides residents with both privacy and the opportunity for companionship. Residents have a private area that they furnish themselves and they also have access to numerous common areas, including kitchen, living room, and dining room.This is where Jim and Annie met.

Jim had a long career in shipping and receiving at several large corporate warehouses. He stopped working to take care of his ill mother for many years. After she passed in 2007, he needed a new place to live and friends helped him connect with Springwell for the opportunity to live in congregate housing. Jim visited the residence, liked all the people, and moved in.

Annie spent her career helping many people as a chamber maid, nurses aid, and bagger at a large grocery store. She lived with her sister-in-law and went to activities at a day center, but her sister-in-law was often away for extended periods, and Annie was lonely. She was introduced to the congregate housing option and after several visits, Annie moved in and now has lived there for about 16 years. “I love having my own room and the ability to socialize any time I want to because there are always people around.”

Jim and Annie participate in the social activities in congregate housing. They often join organized group activities such as bingo, rummy and cribbage games, and barbeques. Additionally, they love to just gather informally with their friends at the residence. Annie is especially fond of visiting with one friend who has an adorable little dog, and the dog is a big fan of Annie. Jim shared that they occasionally go to the local mall with van service provided for the community. Most of all, Jim and Annie like being with each other. They started seeing each other, talking, and spending time together at their residence and got married in 2021. While not everyone who lives in congregate housing will find a spouse, the companionship and camaraderie are there for all.

“I am grateful to Springwell for finding me a place to live. I feel very secure and safe and am never alone. The weekly housekeeping service arranged by Springwell helps me immensely,” says Annie. Jim shares Annie’s sentiments about having a secure, safe place to live and appreciates the transportation that Springwell arranges for medical appointments and physical therapy.

Springwell’s congregate sites in Newton and Waltham have immediate openings. Call Springwell at 617-926-4100 for more information about applying.