Nov 7
Coming Home

Mr. West sits comfortably in his living room with his wife and daughter, family photos and his daughter’s artwork displayed on the walls. Their home is furnished with mementoes of their early life in Russia and treasures accumulated through decades of marriage.
Mr. West’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. In 2012, he was diagnosed with pneumonia, and the complexities of his medical condition and his limited mobility were more than he and his family could manage on their own. He developed a loss of appetite and failure to thrive and lived in a nursing home for nearly a year.
In May, with the support of Springwell, nursing home discharge planners, family members and caregivers, Mr. West came home.
All his needs were addressed, from medical care to assistance at mealtime. Springwell helped equip his house with a hospital bed and Hoyer lift to ease transfer to his chair, coordinated in-home physician visits and daily nursing care, assisted his family in arranging insurance coverage and the purchase of medical supplies, and helped them adapt to their pivotal role in Mr. West’s daily care routine. Springwell ensured that he had the safety net he needed to regain his independence-and to enjoy the high level of comfort and care he’d been receiving.
After only four months, it is clear Mr. West’s transfer is a success. He’s excelling in his physical therapy exercises, and his appetite has improved as well. No longer separated by a taxing drive, his wife and daughter join him at dinnertime while he enjoys familiar chicken patachiki and kasha delivered by Springwell’s culturally sensitive meals program.
Mr. West’s story reminds us once again of how important autonomy is to overall health and quality of life. We’re all fighting for the same cause: to help people who want to live in their own home and community receive the support they need.