Nov 19
Share the Love: Good nutrition helps older adults continue to live at home

Springwell is pleased to introduce Dalia Cohen, our new Director of Nutrition and our participation once again this year in the Subaru Share the Love Event! Dalia joins Springwell with more than 7 years’ experience working with older adults on nutrition, and she is a member of the Massachusetts Commission on Malnutrition Prevention Among Older Adults.
Dalia is a strong advocate for Springwell’s home delivered meals and community dining programs that serve more than 250,000 meals to 2,500 older adults each year. “Malnutrition is a problem that can worsen overall health in older adults. When we reduce malnutrition we reduce falls and we reduce hospital readmissions. Hospital readmission rates are estimated to be 54% higher for malnourished older adults than well-nourished older adults,” notes Cohen. Home Delivered meals provide one third of the daily nutrition requirements for older adults. Often these meals, which arrive fully prepared, are one of the key supports that help older adults continue to live in their own homes. Beyond the nutrition, the delivery driver provides a social connection and a well-being check for these vulnerable individuals.
Cohen highlights that you don’t have to be underweight to be malnourished. That is why she emphasizes the nutritional value of home delivered meals. The program provides a wide variety of quality, fresh food and staff regularly re-evaluate the meals to make sure they contain the optimal nutrition. She adds that there are menu options to support the dietary needs of many health conditions.
Cohen is proud to announce that Springwell is once again participating in the 2019 Subaru Share the Love Event as a member of Meals on Wheels America – one of four national Share the Love charitable partners supported through the promotion. From November 14, 2019, through January 2, 2020, Subaru of America will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased to the customer’s choice of participating charities. Springwell’s Home Delivered Meals program is part of Meals on Wheels America and will benefit from these donations.
By purchasing or leasing a new Subaru during the Subaru Share the Love Event and selecting Meals on Wheels as your charity of choice, you can help deliver nutritious meals and other important services to older adults right here in our community. You might not be in the market to purchase a new car but you can still help vulnerable neighbors by spreading the word to your family and friends.
For more information, visit