Jun 15

Protective Services Team Inspires Gratitude

Often when people think about elder abuse, the first thing that comes to mind is physical harm. Elder abuse also includes sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect, self-neglect, and financial exploitation. Money scams and fraud are forms of financial exploitation. Today, 1 in 10 Massachusetts older adults are reported to be victims of financial abuse. Springwell’s Protective Services Program can help alleviate any type of abuse or neglect. In the past year, Springwell opened 885 investigations into reports of elder abuse.

One couple shared their story to help others have the confidence to seek assistance. They were victims of a scam investment opportunity that originated on LinkedIn. After the initial report of elder abuse was made and referred to Springwell, a Protective Services case worker reached out to the couple. At first, they were wary of working with Protective Services, but after a few conversations, they gained confidence, and the caseworker was then able to connect the couple to legal services to ensure that their other accounts were secure and that any tax implications were addressed. She also connected them with mental health services to help them process what they had been through.

When their case was closed, they followed up with this note, “Your guidance and expertise have made a significant difference in our lives, and we are truly appreciative of your commitment to helping us through this difficult time…. You offered us invaluable resources and advice and stepped in to ensure our safety and well-being. Your expertise and prompt response were instrumental in alleviating our worries and concerns and helping us navigate the situation with confidence. More than just your professional competence, it was the empathy and understanding that you displayed which made a real impact on us. We felt heard and supported throughout the process, which made all the difference in the world. Knowing that we had you as our allies was a source of comfort during this biggest crisis in our lives. We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for your commitment to our safety and security and everything that you’ve done. We are in a better place now, thanks to your efforts and assistance.”

The Protective Services Program is here to help with all types of elder abuse. Abuse may be reported 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling the state-wide Elder Abuse toll-free HOTLINE: 1-800-922-2275 The HOTLINE will contact a Springwell Protective Services caseworker if necessary.