Oct 12
Engaged & Connected: Learn to Use Online Tools During COVID-19

Cooler weather is a fact during autumn in New England. After months of social distancing, it is time to get creative with more indoor activities. There are many opportunities for older adults to remain engaged and connected to their friends, family, and community through online tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever people of all ages are using the internet, cell phones and other technologies in new and exciting ways. If you haven’t had a chance to learn how to use some of these technologies yet, now might be a good time as we get ready for winter.
Whether it is sending an email or text message to a loved one, receiving a photo of a friend or family member, attending virtual religious services, reading a book online or taking a virtual tour of a museum connecting online can provide some great experiences. While younger people are typically seen as the “experts” on these resources, many older adults enjoy utilizing the internet, social media, tablets/computers, and cell phones.
Here are a few ideas with links for you to learn more:
- Add some art into your day and enjoy the MFA from home by watching this selection of videos, from virtual exhibition tours and interviews with artists to soothing musical performances. https://www.mfa.org/videos
- Interested in science? Take a look at these virtual happenings from the Museum of Science. https://www.mos.org/mos-at-home/virtual-exhibits
- Libraries all over Massachusetts have moved their events online https://libraries.state.ma.us/calendar
Would you like to add some of these ideas to your “safer at home” plan but need help getting started? “Stuck at Home Guide: How to Get Online,” a guide from engAGED partner Senior Planet, contains helpful tips for getting started online, on social media and on Zoom meetings. Find it at www.seniorplanet.org/stuck-at-homeguide-get-online.
With special thanks to EngAGED- the National Resource Center for engaging older adults