May 25

Springwell’s In Home Services Care Advisors Adapt Amidst Pandemic Challenges

photo of Springwell's Case Management Program Manager

After a year of non-stop work to make sure each person receiving home care services had their needs met safely despite the challenges of the pandemic, we are taking a moment to recognize the efforts of our resilient Care Advisors.

Liz Stern, Springwell’s Case Management Program Manager, shared that during the past year in addition to their usual work, Care Advisors logged over 1800 well-being checks to make sure everyone had access to food, medications, COVID19 information and that their needs were being met despite changes in services due to COVID precautions.

“Food security was a primary concern due to vendor disruptions for grocery delivery and home delivered meals programs. We found additional community partners to make sure all our care recipients had access to food,” shares Stern.

“Additionally, starting last March, we had to pivot our assessment process from in person visits to telephone calls, Zoom meetings and socially distanced outdoor meetings with masks and lots of hand sanitizer. We are now returning to in-person assessments and are delighted to be back with our care recipients when possible. Our recent work has included lots of outreach to identify who is homebound and qualifies to have the COVID vaccine at home and then connecting them with the right resource to get the home vaccine scheduled and administered,” adds Stern.

Care advisors and the individuals they serve have been flexible and resilient during a difficult time and we are grateful for their hard work that has kept our community members safe and well.