Nov 19

Dalia Cohen

Share the Love: Good nutrition helps older adults continue to live at home

Springwell is pleased to introduce Dalia Cohen, our new Director of Nutrition and our participation once again this year in the Subaru Share the Love Event! Dalia joins Springwell with more than 7 years’ experience working with older adults on nutrition, and she is a member of the Massachusetts Commission on Malnutrition Prevention Among Older [...]

Oct 24

Jay, with his volunteer, Don

Managing Finances is Less Stressful with Assistance

Jay fell in love with snow when he moved to Massachusetts from Arizona in 1980. He spent his career as a chef and especially enjoys preparing Mexican food with bold flavors. As Jay got older and faced some chronic health challenges, he retired on a fixed income.  With a tight budget, he used his maximum [...]

Sep 28

Nancy with her care advisor, Nicole

National Good Neighbor Day: Nancy’s Story

As each of us hurry through our days, it is easy to miss the opportunity to get to know an aging neighbor. Undoubtedly each senior citizen that you see quietly living nearby has a wealth of stories about the adventure of their life. Your neighbors’ stories will likely amaze you, bring a smile to your [...]

Sep 09

National Good Neighbor Day: Springwell Stories

Are there people in your neighborhood who have lived nearby for years but you haven’t had the opportunity to get to know? Everyone has an interesting story about their journey through life. At Springwell, each year we have the opportunity to hear thousands of stories, and as National Good Neighbor Day (September 28th) approaches, we [...]

Sep 05

Little Things Add up to Big Things

As we go through life, challenges that we least expect can become daunting.  While we can access medical care through insurance policies, programs and clinics, it is often the subtle or chronic physical and mental challenges that make other types of help valuable to improve safety and quality of life.   When informal supports are not [...]

May 15

Malnutrition in the Elderly

Springwell’s Nutrition Program is helping seniors better understand the risks of malnutrition and make them aware of solutions to this common problem. Malnutrition is dangerous because it leads to bone loss which can trigger falls and fractures. Diets low in calcium, a lack of adequate sun and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to bone loss. Bone [...]

May 07

Why are we concerned about older drivers?

Debra A. Kerrigan, MS, OTR/L, from the Drive Safe Program at Newton Wellesley Hospital, visited Springwell to discuss ways to help seniors and their families understand if it is time to curtail or stop driving. While many older adults are safe drivers, the majority of older adults will outlive their ability to drive safely by [...]

Apr 20

wife and husband, Debbie and Robert at home supported by Elder Independence fund

Elder Independence Fund: Filling in the Gaps

Robert and Debbie were enjoying their careers, their hobby of swing dancing, and long walks together, when Robert suffered a stroke in 2012. For months, Debbie worried because she had no idea how she would take care of him when he came home from the hospital. Debbie’s first contact with Springwell was with our Caregiver […]

Apr 02

Diet Fads: Facts and Fiction for Seniors

For National Nutrition Month, Meghan Ostrander, Nutrition Director at Springwell, presented a special program titled, Fad Diets- Pros and Cons at Community Dining sites in Springwell’s service area. Ostrander succinctly laid out claims, as well as potential benefits and risks, of four of the new most popular diet trends. Before starting any new diet plan, [...]

Jan 10

Smiling Woman with her Friendly Visitor volunteer

Thriving through social connection

Social isolation can challenge senior citizens who find it more difficult to get out of the house than when they were younger. A friendly visitor can make a valuable difference in their quality of life. Ruth, an energetic 90 year old artist, relocated to Waltham two years ago to be near medical care and her […]