Jan 10
A new calendar year is when many of us think about how we want to be spending our time. Resolutions are common and those tend to be things we believe we should do to improve ourselves: lose weight, exercise, stop smoking and more. While important, we are proposing that in addition to resolutions, caregivers and […]
Nov 18
Exciting news! For the 14th year running, the Meals on Wheels network is participating in the 2021 Subaru Share the Love Event. Over the past thirteen years, Subaru and its retailers have helped Meals on Wheels to deliver more than 2.5 million meals nationwide to seniors in need. Why does Subaru support Meals on Wheels? […]
Oct 21
Dalia Cohen, Director of Nutrition at Springwell, periodically leads educational discussions for older adults on topics relating to diet and activity. “Increasing Your Strength” is the current topic and includes information about strength and muscle mass, the importance of adequate protein intake and the positive effects of exercise. Cohen hosted the discussion at the Brookline […]
Oct 14
October is Residents Rights Month. Springwell’s volunteer ombudsmen make a difference in the lives of residents of long term care facilities. Ombudsmen are highly trained and supervised volunteers who visit a residential facility at least weekly and are available to hear concerns in confidence, advocate to protect residents’ rights, and provide information and referrals. As […]
Aug 09
As a federally-designated Area Agency on Aging, Springwell is charged with creating an Area Plan every four years for the towns of Belmont, Brookline, Needham, Newton, Waltham, Watertown, Wellesley, and Weston. Springwell will be holding a public hearing about services for older adults and family caregivers. The purpose of the hearing is to gather feedback [...]
Jul 14
Humans are social beings. Even if one is considered an introvert, we all need and crave interaction and connection. “Conversations are supposed to be fun. They involve personal interactions between two or more people about something of interest. But many people worry about having conversations. They are concerned that they won’t be able to keep […]
Jun 21
Marshall Home, originally known as the Watertown Home for Old Folks, was founded in 1908 as Watertown’s first “rest home”. It provided a caring residential environment with support services for its residents for 94 years until it closed in 2002. Today its spirit lives on in the Marshall Home Fund, a non–profit charitable foundation that […]
Apr 12
Seniors in Belmont, Brookline, Needham, Newton, Waltham, Watertown, Wellesley, Weston to benefit Springwell is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a $90,000 grant from MassDevelopment, in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council through the Taxi, Livery and Transportation Partnerships Grant Program, an operational subsidy program aimed at expanding transportation service capacity through […]
Mar 30
An enlightening film that emphasizes the importance of planning for aging By 2045, an average American will live to the age of 85. Very few want to think about aging. Two thirds of Americans do little to prepare for being older. In Fast Forward: Look into Your Future, “four millennials and their parents spend a […]
Mar 17
March is Social Work Month and here at Springwell we are pleased to recognize and thank all the social workers who support our community daily. The 2021 theme, social work is essential, has been highlighted often as we have faced the challenges of the COVID19 pandemic. “It seems that social work has never been more [...]