Feb 11
8 Tips for Caregivers on Valentine’s Day

8 Tips for Caregivers on Valentine’s Day
While we traditionally think of Valentine’s Day as a time for expressions of romantic love, it can also be a great time to show yourself some love and share some special moments with your care recipient.
- Stretch– take a few moments to do some simple stretches and notice tense muscles soften.
- Breathe– along with those stretches, take some long slow breaths to give yourself a little more relaxation.
- Treat yourself to a hot beverage and perhaps a special snack. Savor the aroma of your tea, coffee, or hot cocoa. Feel the warmth of the mug in your hands. Enjoy a few minutes to yourself or include your loved one in this “tea party” as a small Valentine’s Day celebration.
- Take a break from electronics– Our screen time adds up quickly each day and can create a fatigue that we often don’t even realize. Try spending some time away from your smart phone. Work on a jigsaw puzzle, read a print book, sketch or doodle with paper and pencil.
- Appreciate you and all you do– Don’t think about your never ending “To do” list. Think about two or three things that you have accomplished today and give yourself a pat on the back.
- Listen to music- Listening to something upbeat may boost your spirits on a wintery day or listening to something soft may soothe and relax you.
- Laugh- A good laugh can warm the hearts of everyone. Share a joke, listen to a recording by a favorite comedian or bring to mind a fun memory that ignites your laughter.
- Share something special with your loved one- reminisce by looking through a photo album together or ask your loved one to share a special Valentine’s memory or tradition that was important to them in previous years.