May 1

Helping Older Adults Access COVID19 Vaccines

woman assisting another woman who is receiving COVID19 vaccine

When access to the COVID19 vaccine was opened up to adults aged 75 help, access, relief and over in Massachusetts on January 25th of this year, organizations like Springwell were put to the test to help the older adults we serve, a population often challenged by technology, as they navigated an online system that was under immediate, intense demand.

Springwell Information & Consultation Specialists and Care Advisors quickly got up to speed and were there to help seniors before the new phone-based appointment system launched a week later. Since then, Springwell has remained flexible and available as new layers have been added to the phased roll out of the vaccination plan, helping those we serve at each new stage by answering questions about the process, making appointments, and arranging transportation. We have also been a resource to our local community partners acting as vaccination sites, providing on-site logistical and translation services when needed, ensuring that those who are eligible have the access they need to get through the vaccination process.

As of this writing, plans are rolling out to get the vaccine to those who are homebound. Homebound older adults make up a significant number of those enrolled in one of our in-home services programs and most of those receiving our home-delivered meals. Our care advisors are currently working through their caseloads to ensure that the people we work with are connected to and registered with either their local department of health program or with the state provided plan, depending on their eligibility.