Sep 28

Staying Connected with Family and Friends while Staying Safe from Risks of COVID-19

Older smiling adult talking on a phone

We are six months into social distancing, mask wearing and frequent handwashing to keep each other safe from COVID19. Most are weary of this lifestyle, but we must stay vigilant and be creative with staying connected with one another. The isolation can be especially difficult for older adults who live alone.

To stay connected to a family member, friend or long-distance caregiver try to call them every day, write a note or send a card. These are simple tasks to do and can bring a smile to someone’s face while cheering you up in the process. Whether you swap book, meal or TV recommendations or plan fun activities for the future, just making the connection is important.

These conversations don’t have to be long—just a quick check-in to see how they are doing. Need conversation starters? Share information about other friends and family members, interesting books you’ve read, movies or television shows you would recommend (or not).

Schedule your calls for specific times or on specific days and make them a regular social gathering. Springwell’s Friendly Visitor program has shifted to phone visits during the pandemic and regular phone conversations bring a smile to many older adults in our community.  To learn more about how these regular phone calls alleviate social isolation, read about the conversations that Zach and Patricia share here.

With special thanks to EngAGED- the National Resource Center for engaging older adults