Nov 01
COVID19 changed what felt safe for many seniors in need of care. Springwell has been available and flexible, working with families to plan services that help. Julie and her husband Anthony have called Waltham home for the past 42 years. Julie had a fulfilling career, helping many people both as a social worker and as [...]
Oct 26
Every four years, the Massachusetts State Plan on Aging is revised based on the needs of older adults (age 60+) and their family caregivers. The Plan serves to shape the policy development and programs that the Executive Office of Elder Affairs will pursue to promote independence, empowerment, and well-being so those in need will have […]
Oct 12
Cooler weather is a fact during autumn in New England. After months of social distancing, it is time to get creative with more indoor activities. There are many opportunities for older adults to remain engaged and connected to their friends, family, and community through online tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever people […]
Sep 28
We are six months into social distancing, mask wearing and frequent handwashing to keep each other safe from COVID19. Most are weary of this lifestyle, but we must stay vigilant and be creative with staying connected with one another. The isolation can be especially difficult for older adults who live alone. To stay connected to […]
Sep 01
Due to the ongoing risks of COVID-19, many “in person” health and wellness classes for older adults have been canceled. However, there are many options for at-home workouts to help you remain active and healthy throughout the pandemic. If you prefer group workouts, many senior centers and gyms are offering exercise classes and instructional videos […]
Jun 22
When COVID19 hit, everyone had to think differently about many aspects of daily living that previously were just part of normal routines. How do we get groceries? How can I fill my prescription? I need to talk with my physician, but how do I do a virtual visit? I’m alone and home bound so how [...]
Jan 02
It’s that time of year for the big question, “What are your New Year’s Resolutions?” Many of us make resolutions but within a couple of months they tend to fall by the wayside. Sometimes that happens because the resolution is too vague or we haven’t figured out a workable plan to keep the commitment. Have [...]
Dec 19
Ana is a friendly, optimistic woman with a heartwarming smile and bright eyes. But even Ana got discouraged when chronic health challenges landed her in a nursing home after a hospital stay for an urgent medical condition. Her chronic issues don’t require nursing home care but do make some help necessary for her to live [...]
Dec 10
No one hopes to live in a nursing home, but sometimes circumstances result in the need for a skilled care facility. The quandary then becomes whether the move will be permanent or a steppingstone back to a home environment. James moved to a skilled nursing facility from a group home he loved due to a [...]
Nov 19
Jennifer Darby, Associate Director of Community Services regularly invites Council on Aging (COA) leaders from our service communities to meet with Springwell and each other. “Each town has its own network, resources, ideas and housing and transportation challenges. At this gathering, they share ideas and discuss challenges with each other. Springwell also shares information about [...]